Heme/Onc Job Offer for a new graduate (2025)



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I am looking for a general heme-onc community practice. I recently interviewed for a position. What are your thoughts on this ?


Location: Mid-West ; 90 minutes from Chicago
Position: Hospital Employed ; They have a strong established PP group in that area as their competitor
Group Size: 3 physicians. 2 physicians left this year (I was told that they had personal/family reasons to move)
Work Load: 5 days/week. Average 16-18 patients/day
Call: 1:4
EMR: Cerner
Compensation: 50% MGMA around 450K + productivity model 100$/wRVU
Sign On Bonus: 50k + relocation allowance
Vacation: 5 weeks + 1 week CME + 6 national holidays
Contract: Initial 3 years

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Call ratio, work days and EMR suck but otherwise seems OK.

Here's my counter:
West Coast city
Hospital Employed
14 docs (looking to replace 2 and add 2 more)
Call: Shared evenly among all (so planning for 1:15-16)
4 days/wk, 15-20 pts/d (0-2 inpatients)
EMR: Epic
Comp: MGMA 25th %ile base (~$390) + productivity over 25th %ile + additional non-productivity bonus potential
6w vacation/2w CME plus a bunch of holidays.
Contract: 2y to get sign-on back, otherwise annual contract.

Hit me up.

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What did the strong established PP group offer you? If you didn’t at least reach out to them big mistake IMO

Also with 2 docs recently leaving what happens when another 1-2 leaves and your call is now 1 in 2 or 1 in 3?

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SadimirPutin said:

I'm a fellow currently interviewing for PP positions. I don't totally understand what I should be looking out for and asking for in terms of contract?

The few places I've interviewed offer a salary guarantee for the first 2 years which has been in the high 300s-high 400s range, with variable sign on bonus, relocation stipend, etc. However, they usually just tell me the contract goes to RVU-based after year 2. Ideally, I'll sign on with a group and stay beyond 2 years but I don't understand the RVU structure at all. Can someone explain what an an average RVU based contract looks like? What a good one looks like and what a bad one looks like? Examples would be very much appreciated.

I’m very much new to this as well, but Hospital employed positions typically use the RVU module. True private practice with partnership opportunity may pay a base but after that you make partner and have stake in revenue for the practice.

Hospital employed positions pay $90-150 per wRVU for oncology from what I’ve heard. These RVUs are generated by office visits and other services you perform for the hospital (imaging, consults, etc). Thus the busier you are, the more you get paid.



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HemeOncHopeful19 said:

What did the strong established PP group offer you? If you didn’t at least reach out to them big mistake IMO

Also with 2 docs recently leaving what happens when another 1-2 leaves and your call is now 1 in 2 or 1 in 3?

The PP group mentioned 430k but it's negotiable. They work hard (25-30 patients average) but earn more. I will be inheriting the practice of one of their partners who is retiring.

I got the offer letter from the hospital based position and they are offering 500K base with 130 $/wRVU with 6 weeks vacation and 4.5 days of work. Average patient load around 15-20 (much less at the start given that I am not going to inherit the patients)

EMR sucks as it's cerner. I just love EPIC.

I would appreciate your input on this offer.



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Both seem pretty good offer based purely compensation. The question you have to answer is where you personally think you will be happy or vibe with colleagues the most.



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vemurafenib said:

with 130 $/wRVU with 6 weeks vacation and 4.5 days of work. Average patient load around 15-20 (much less at the start given that I am not going to inherit the patients)

vemurafenib said:

Compensation: 50% MGMA around 450K + productivity model 100$/wRVU

Can I ask at what RVU level do these RVU based compensation kick in ?

I mean I assume the base salary is say for all RVUs from 0 to 4000 (or something like that). And these productivity bonuses are for any RVU on top of these base RVUs. Correct ?


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I was offered a job

Location: Tx ;
Position: Hospital Employed ;
Group Size: 3 physicians.
Work Load: 4 days/week. 1 day inpt/admin; Average 16-18 patients/day
Call: 1:4
Compensation: 400K base 2 year + productivity model 100$/wRVU
Sign On Bonus: 20k + relocation 12K
Vacation: 15 day PTO + 5 day CME + 6 national holidays
Contract: Initial 3 years

*Because of the high-risk pregnancy, long-distance from husband, and the personal issue I requested the start day of Feb/March since the FMLA does not kick in 1 year. However, the VP has some creative ideas and proposed part-time from September to March and transition to full-time. They are not willing to offer any benefits package (I can get health insurance from my husband, he is a fellow too). They proposed 75% of the base (~300K base and 30 hr work-hour). I am working with a lawyer to sort the things out but he is on vacation for the next 3 weeks.
What is your thought? I am completely clueless if that would be a better idea or not. Please help.



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Sushi5 said:

I was offered a job

Location: Tx ;
Position: Hospital Employed ;
Group Size: 3 physicians.
Work Load: 4 days/week. 1 day inpt/admin; Average 16-18 patients/day
Call: 1:4
Compensation: 400K base 2 year + productivity model 100$/wRVU
Sign On Bonus: 20k + relocation 12K
Vacation: 15 day PTO + 5 day CME + 6 national holidays
Contract: Initial 3 years

*Because of the high-risk pregnancy, long-distance from husband, and the personal issue I requested the start day of Feb/March since the FMLA does not kick in 1 year. However, the VP has some creative ideas and proposed part-time from September to March and transition to full-time. They are not willing to offer any benefits package (I can get health insurance from my husband, he is a fellow too). They proposed 75% of the base (~300K base and 30 hr work-hour). I am working with a lawyer to sort the things out but he is on vacation for the next 3 weeks.
What is your thought? I am completely clueless if that would be a better idea or not. Please help.

I mean that sounds tempting to me but off the top of my head I’d wonder are you still Q4 call (so your workload isn’t necessarily lowered 25%) and how does that work with the 100/wRVU now that your base is 300?

At the end of the day I’d probably worry more about the big picture final job than the temporary period where you’re on this alternative track.

I can tell you from close friends/family experience that if the current docs are doing Q3 call then that is a big reason why they want you to start ASAP. What happens if one of the docs leaves are you then doing Q3 on the same salary?


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HemeOncHopeful19 said:

I mean that sounds tempting to me but off the top of my head I’d wonder are you still Q4 call (so your workload isn’t necessarily lowered 25%) and how does that work with the 100/wRVU now that your base is 300?

At the end of the day I’d probably worry more about the big picture final job than the temporary period where you’re on this alternative track.

I can tell you from close friends/family experience that if the current docs are doing Q3 call then that is a big reason why they want you to start ASAP. What happens if one of the docs leaves are you then doing Q3 on the same salary?

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you. Any recommendation on how to better negotiate if one of the docs leaves in the contract?

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Heme/Onc Job Offer for a new graduate (2025)


What is the acceptance rate for heme oncology? ›

Statistics on the Hematology-Oncology Match

In 2022, hematology-oncology had a total of 3,669 applicants and 663 spots. This equates to 5.5 applicants per position. Of the 1,267 U.S. MD seniors who applied, 148 did not match.

How competitive is Heme onc? ›

Hematology-oncology fellowships are highly competitive. To become an attractive candidate, it can be helpful for you to: Participate in research in your field.

Is oncology a hard specialty to get into? ›

Oncology is a challenging specialty, especially because you must participate in a fellowship program after residency to become an oncologist, in most cases.

How hard is it to get an oncology fellowship? ›

The percentage of applicants matched in their top 3 programs increased from 53.4% in 2009 to 57.4% in 2022 (range: 50-62%). Conclusions: The hematology and oncology fellowship match is highly competitive with outcomes more favorable to US-allopathic graduates than non-US allopathic graduates.

How much does UCLA heme oncology pay? ›

The estimated total pay range for a Physician Pediatric Hematology Oncology at UCLA Health is $222K–$412K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Physician Pediatric Hematology Oncology base salary at UCLA Health is $272K per year.

What type of oncologist gets paid the most? ›

High Paying Oncologist Jobs
  • MOHS Surgeon. Salary range: $360,000-$400,000 per year. ...
  • Hematologist Oncologist. Salary range: $285,000-$400,000 per year. ...
  • Radiation Oncologist. Salary range: $400,000-$400,000 per year. ...
  • Surgical Oncologist. Salary range: $300,000-$387,500 per year. ...
  • Pediatric Oncologist. ...
  • Oncology Social Worker.

How much do heme oncologists make in the US? ›

Average Full-Time Hematologist Oncologist Salary for 2024

The highest reported salaries were in the $1,250,000 a year range. The lowest reported salaries were in the $250,000 a year range. The median salary was $469,000.

How hard is it to get into radiation oncology residency? ›

In fact, it is one of the most, if not the most, competitive residencies to get into. Many outside think we are technicians/button pushers and most people think we sit in front of a computer all day. Radiation oncology is probably one of the, if not the most evidence based specialties in medicine.

How many people apply to the Heme Onc fellowship? ›

Over 400 applicants apply annually.

Do oncologists have good work-life balance? ›

The proportion of oncologists satisfied with WLB (n = 345; 33.4%) ranked lower than that reported for all other medical specialties in a recent national study.

What is the best degree to be an oncologist? ›

Oncologists typically need a bachelor's degree, a degree from a medical school, which takes 4 years to complete, and, 3 to 7 years in internship and residency programs. Medical schools are highly competitive.

How many hours does an oncologist work a day? ›

Most oncologists work more than 40 hours per week. Oncologists may see anywhere from 10 to 30 patients each day. In many of these encounters, they may have to deliver devastating health news regarding a malignancy ...

Is fellowship as hard as residency? ›

A fellowship in medical training typically lasts one to three years. Becoming a fellow is only possible after graduating from medical school and completing a medical residency. Fellowships are voluntary and are not required. Fellowship years are considered even more labour-intensive than residency years.

Does step 3 score matter for oncology fellowship? ›

Does the Step 3 Score Matter? Your Step 3 grading will not impact your medical licensing unless you fail because you likely have a residency before you take this Step. If you plan to apply for a fellowship, your Step 3 score matters a bit more because it can bolster your application to help you achieve a better spot.

Are oncologists in high demand? ›

A recent ASCO study used current data on the supply of oncologists and the demand for their services to make projections for 2020. This study predicted that the demand for oncologists will increase by 48 percent, whereas capacity will only increase by 14 percent between now and 2020.

What is the match rate for heme onc? ›

This figure included 3,892 graduates of MD medical schools, 1,093 graduates of DO medical schools, 935 U.S. citizen international medical graduates, and 1,715 non-U.S. citizen international medical graduates. With regard to hematology and oncology, 703 applicants matched out of a pool of 923, or 76.2%.

What is the pass rate for the oncology board? ›

Gynecologic Oncology Qualifying Exam Pass Rates
YearTotal # ExamineesTotal Passing %
Year 2020Total # Examinees 72Total Passing % 96%
Year 2021Total # Examinees 75Total Passing % 85%
Year 2022Total # Examinees 81Total Passing % 90%
Year 2023Total # Examinees 88Total Passing % 92%
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.